John Paul College
Rotorua|New Zealand
The Learning Support Centre operates in rooms C17 and C18. It is a busy centre which supports students with a variety of needs. In 2016 The Learning Support Team will support over 200 students.
In 2016 JPC becomes part of a Community of Schools which is Faith based. The project leader is our Principal Mr Patrick Walsh. We look forward to working and sharing ideas with a community of seven primary schools and two secondary schools from The Hamilton Diocese.
The team comprises of:
Mrs Paulene Walsh (Senco) Mrs Marie Hepi (Assistant Senco and Year 7 Dean)
Together Mrs Walsh and Mrs Hepi:
- Are the point of contact for parents, caregivers and outside agencies.
- Coordinate National Standards testing with Judith Smallbone and carry our Entrance testing of new students coming to John Paul College
- Assist Teachers to identify students with special needs and help implement programmes to suit these students. Coordinate special learning programmes, i.e. Successmaker, Accelerated Reader and Reading Comprehension programmes. These programmes are tailor-made to the students.
- Assist Deputy Principal with applications for Reader Writer assistance and coordinate Reader Writer assistance for students who have been identified with specific needs.
- Compile and update a Special Needs Register.
- Operate School's Policies for students with special needs - Behaviour and Academic.
- Coordinate and manage special needs staff.
- Contribute to Professional Development of Staff and teacher aides. Support Teacher Aides and teachers with their roles.
- Support and work alongside Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB). Liaise with all outside agencies when necessary to support students and parents.
- Report to the Board of Trustees on a regular basis.
- Coordinate the testing of National Standards in year 7 and 8.
- Make funding applications to RTLB central cluster for year 11-13 funding for special projects i.e. Academic Mentoring.
Teacher Aides supporting individual and small groups are:
Sharon Handley Julia Skudder Louise Bennett Denise Johnstone These women also support Heads of Faculty and teachers when required. Mrs Julia Skudder also assists with the imputing of student data, and releases administration staff when necessary.
Teacher Aides operating special programmes are:
Julie Stevenson
Julie coordinates an Accelerated Reader programme. This reading programme is offered to all year 7-8 students to increase their reading mileage. Julie also supports the English programme in year 7-8 targeting comprehension skills.
Natalie Eramus
Operates a computer programme called 'Successmaker.' This programme has an in-built "intelligent tutor" which adapts the course content to meet the needs of each student. Successmaker targets literacy and numeracy, and operates as an in-school and after-school programme. Natalie also offers guided and structured writing tuition during school and after school hours.
John Hepi
Students who need academic counselling are identified by the Heads of Faculty and Deans of year 11,12, and 13. Mrs Walsh and Mr Hepi assist students who need guidance in the senior school to navigate their way through NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3.
Alison Ramson
Mrs Alison Ramson is the Resource Teacher of Learning and Behaviour (RTLB). Alison supports the John Paul College staff with the learning and behaviour needs of our students. Additionally, she helps implement on going training and professional development. As part of the Community of Learning we also have another RTLB working with us. Her name is Shaaron Piatek.
All members of the Learning Support Centre may be contacted by emailing:
first name.last [email protected]