
School's Contact Details

Physical Address:

Deputy Principals' Contact Details

Dial 07 347 8795 followed by the deputy principal's extension number from the list below:

DP Pastoral Care Ali McHugh [email protected] ext 8841
DP Curriculum Peter Sinclair [email protected] ext 8843
DP Human Resources Maree Stewart ext 8886


Deans' Contact Details 

Dial 07 347 8795 followed by the dean's extension number from the list below:

Year 13 Dean Mr Tim Bell [email protected] ext 8858
Year 12 Dean Mrs Sherry Brewer [email protected] ext 8852
Year 11 Dean Mrs Minka Webb [email protected] ext 8848
Year 10 Dean Mr Terry Hughes [email protected] ext 8861
Year 9 Dean Mr Owen Kowalewski    [email protected] ext 8847
Year 8 Dean (Acting) Mr Paul Johnson [email protected] ext 8803
Year 7 Dean Mrs. Marie Hepi [email protected] ext 8849


Heads of Faculty Contact Details 

Dial 07 347 8795 followed by the head of faculty's extension number from the list below:

Languages Stephen Bloomfield [email protected] ext 8805
Mathematics Lara Cordonni [email protected] ext 8814
Physical Education Barb Northey [email protected] ext 8834
Religious Education Karen Bloomfield [email protected] ext 8844
Science Conny Ludascher  [email protected] ext 8105
Social Sciences Simon Baker [email protected] ext 8812
Technology Phillip Jones [email protected] ext 8112


Staff Contact Details 

Email the staff member by first name.last [email protected], or

Dial 07 347 8795 followed by the staff member's extension number from the list below:

Last Name
First Name
Extension Last Name
First name
Aarts Monique 8813 Jones Phillip 8146
Aislabie Veronica 8140 Keaney Phil - Library 8837
Arnott Beryl - Student Counter 8828 Kowalewski Owen 8847
Baker Simon 8812 Learning Support Centre   8850 
Bell Tim 8120 Lepper Deb 8845  
Billing Paul 8101 Liddall Jason 8119
Bird Sandy - Accounts 8829 Lock Liz  8839
Bite Marisol 8121 Ludascher Conny 8105
Bloomfield Karen 8844 Macmillan Nancy 8854
Bloomfield Stephen 8805 McHugh Ali  8841 
Botha Carien 8116 McLay Mary 8126
Botha Martin 8177 Milne  Sophie  8166 
Boyce Julie - Fees 8859 Morris Charlotte 8141
Brewer Sherry 8852 Northey Barb 8834
Business School 8827 Pakinga Cecelia 8851
Carter Neil 8808  Pearson Kerry 8106
Casey Pat - Gateway 8815 Peters John 8179
Chapman Mark 8858 Phillips Christine 8103
Clapperton Talita 8117 Pingol Renee 8153
Clark Hilary 8856 Presley Mark 8106
Cook Alastair 8856 Potgieter Surette 8129
Cook Gillian 8104 Rayner Michael 8118
Cooney Val 8172 Reardon Lynne 8132
Cordonni Lara 8814 Rigney Gene 8822
Currie Ron - Caretaker 8840 Roberson Wendy 8165
Czyrek Matthew 8824 Rowles Sue - Reception 8800 
Davis Brendan 8171 Sarich-Dunn Natasha 8167 
de Muth Trish  8107 Satherley Matt 8144
Doctor's Room   8810 Sinclair  Peter  8843 
Douglas Kelly 8123 Skudder  Julia  8807 
Dwight Mike 8855 Smallbone  Judith 8145
Edmund Rice Centre Bookings 8866 Stairmand Lauren 8873
Edmund Rice Centre Office 8836 Staffroom - Workroom     8809
Edwards-Trask  Jane 8139 Staffroom - Phonebox 8811
Enrolments Secretary 8800 Stewart Maree 8886
Erasmus Natalie - Successmaker 8862 Stokes Margaret 8113
Ewen  Andrea  8114 Student Reception  8828
Faulkner Arthur - Sports Director 8801 Synge Mathew 8134
Flavell Cathy - Nurse 8806 Thompson Jan 8823
Fredricksen Bernadette 8867 Thornton Candace 8838
Harris Jodi 8137 Thurston Gabrielle 8832
Hepi John 8850  Visser Candy 8147
Hepi Marie 8849 Walker Tom 8102
Hesketh Jacqui - Homestay Coordinator 8863  Walsh Patrick 8839
Hewitson Sheryl 8823 Walsh Paulene 8850
Hickson  Jodie - Executive Officer  8802  Wang Ann   8122 
Hill Rod 8135 Webb Minka 8848
Hounsell Tim 8143 Whalley Chris 8130
Howells Hayley - Uniform Shop 8856 Wood Jacinta 8148
Hughes Terry 8861 Worrall Claire 8127
International House  8863 Wright Denise 8115
Jack Rebecca 8136 Zoing  Rex  8817
James Michelle 8170      
James Simon  8863      
Joe Daniel 8110      
Johnson Paul 8168